Official poster of Logic Café workshop

Brochure of Logic Café workshop

Time schedule of Logic Café workshop

Presentations of participants:

Ivo Pezlar: 'TIL and proof analysis'

Karel Šebela: 'Kant and the Problem of Conceptual Containment'

Ludmila Dostálová: 'Aristotelian Logic: Extensional or Intensional?'

Bjørn Jespersen: 'Impossibility and hyperintensionality'

Daniela Glavaničová: 'Fictional characters as hyperintensions'

Aleš Horák, Marek Medveď: 'Question Answering'

Michal Peliš: 'Epistemic Logic of Questions'

Miloš Kosterec: 'Substitution contradiction, its resolution and Church-Rosser Theorem in TIL'

Vojtěch Patschka: 'Natural deduction in TIL-Script Language'

Adam Albert: 'Machine learning with TIL'