Workshop Logic Café
Logic Café is an annual meeting of logicians with the tradition dating back to the late 90s when it was known as Organon. A particular goal of the workshop is to openly discuss problems and initiate joint endeavors aimed at developing modern logic and its applications in many areas of computer science, linguistics and philosophy, such as natural language processing, reasoning and deduction, ontology and knowledge bases, question-answering systems, and many others.
This year we have also a special opportunity to join celebrating the 1st World Logic Day that has been established to January 14, because this is the day of birth of Alfred Tarski (1901) and the day of death of Kurt Gödel (1978).
Pavel Materna: 'TIL and PTS'
Ivo Pezlar: 'TIL and proof analysis'
Karel Šebela: 'Kant and the Problem of Conceptual Containment'
Ludmila Dostálová: 'Aristotelian Logic: Extensional or Intensional?'
Bjørn Jespersen: 'Impossibility and hyperintensionality'
Daniela Glavaničová: 'Fictional characters as hyperintensions'
Aleš Horák, Marek Medveď: 'Question Answering'
Michal Peliš: 'Epistemic Logic of Questions'
Miloš Kosterec: 'Substitution contradiction, its resolution and Church-Rosser Theorem in TIL'
Workshop Logic Café is taking place in VŠB - TU Ostrava, FEI, IT department, room EA453
Social evening
Organizing team:
prof. RNDr. Marie Duží, CSc. (VSB-Technical university of Ostrava)
Mgr. Marek Menšík, Ph.D. (VSB-Technical university of Ostrava)
Miroslav Pajr (Silesian university in Opava)
Bc. Vojtěch Patschka (VSB-Technical university of Ostrava)
Ivana Korčeková (VSB-Technical university of Ostrava), tel.: +420 597325909